
Regional training course on Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism

Preparatory meeting, 2-3 October 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania.


  1. Introduction of participants, roles.
  2. Adoption of agenda.
  3. The institutional context and the roles of different partners.
  4. Educational approaches to the training course.
  5. Review of the aims and objectives. Expected results.
  6. Programme and methodology:
  • Daily programme
  • Methodology
  1. Participants: profile, selection procedure.
  2. Report and documentation of the training course.
  3. Organisational aspects:
  • Location
  • Technical needs
  • Contractual aspects.
  1. Timeline for preparation, responsibilities.
  2. Any other business.
  3. Evaluation and closure of the meeting.

Relevant documents/resources to read in the preparation of the meeting:

  1. Call for participants (attached)
  2. Roma Youth Action Plan
  3. Roma Youth Participation in Action
  4. Mirrors – Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education

List of participants

Gražina Sluško – Department of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Istvan Kvik – Lithuanian Roma Community

Zara Lavchyan – Trainer

Mariya Yasenovska – Trainer

Olga Tsviliy – Trainer

Anca-Ruxandra Pandea – Educational Advisor, Youth Department of the Council of Europe