“Dikh he na Bister” Youth Event around Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

“Dikh he na Bister” Youth Event around Roma Holocaust Memorial Day Around the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day on 2 August 2018, there will be about 250 young Roma and non-Roma from across Europe in Krakow and Auschwitz-Birkenau in the unique youth event “Dikh he na bister” (Look and don’t forget). The Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative […]

Roma expert will visit Department of National Minorities

Roma expert will visit Department of National Minorities In January 29, in Department of National Minorities a book for children on Roma holocaust will be presented. Not only an author of this book Natalia Gancaraz but an expert of Roma from Poland will take a part. Adam Bartosz – Polish ethnographer. In the years 1980-2012 he was the […]

European Roma Rights Centre receives Raoul Wallenberg Prize for combating racism, rights abuse

European Roma Rights Centre receives Raoul Wallenberg Prize for combating racism, rights abuse The Budapest-based organisation European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has received today the Raoul Wallenberg Prize of the Council of Europe for successfully challenging discrimination, anti-Romani racism and rights abuses of Roma through innovative litigation, evidence based research and policy development. On this day in […]

New Roma organization

New Roma organization This year in Panevėžys new Roma organization was established. Its director and initiator is Elena Aleksandravičiūtė who also takes part in the project “Lithuanian Roma Platforms – Going Local” as a Roma community coordinator. This organization – “St. Francis’ Roma from Aukštaitija region” centre (Šv. Pranciškaus Aukštaitijos romų” centras) is established to […]

The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture

The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V. (ERIAC) is a joint initiative of the Council of Europe, the Open Society Foundations, and the Roma Leaders’ initiative – the Alliance for the European Roma Institute. ERIAC is an association registered under German law on June 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. ERIAC exists to increase […]

Lectures for Roma boys and girls

Lectures for Roma boys and girls In December, Children Day Care Centre of Panevėžys organized individual and group meetings and lectures on sexual life for Roma boys and girls. Its aim was to help Roma teenagers gain a knowledge about their physiological, psychological changes and help to prepare for the family life. Lectures and meetings were […]

A new association for Roma women was established

A new association for Roma women was established „Roma women from Baltic region“ association was established in 5 December 2017. The initiative to establish the organization was born in Lithuania, when the Council of Europe and Roma communities organized training sessions for young Roma people in November, 2017. During the training, it became clear that […]

Conference-discussion on Roma students’ inclusion

Conference-discussion on Roma students’ inclusion The event will take place on December 13 in Vilnius, hotel “Panorama” (Sodu str. 14). How a school child welfare commission can contribute in creating a safer and more favourable educational environment for Roma children? What municipalities can do to improve the situation, and how important this area of inter-institutional cooperation? […]

Final event of educational project “Cultural circle”

Educational project “Cultural circle” and the final event will be held in December 13, Kėdainiai Multicultural centre (Senoji rinka 12, Kėdainiai). The work will take place in the project presentations, and performances of the participants, acknowledgements and serving. The project initiated by the Ministry of education and science, organizes and carries out the Lithuanian students […]

The event, dedicated to Roma history, traditions and Roma holocaust commemoration

The event, dedicated to Roma history, traditions and Roma holocaust commemoration Roma cultural centre, in the implementation of the history of the Roma Memorial Project “Living memory”, on 8 December, 2pm calls to the event, dedicated to Roma history, culture, and traditions as well as to commemorate Roma holocaust in Europe. Lecturer: Dr. Normunds Rudevics, IRU (International […]