On December 20th, a wonderful Christmas celebration took place at the Troškūnai Cultural Center for the local Roma community, supported by the Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. The event began with a performance by the Roma music ensemble “Devlesko drom”, followed by the Paįstrio Cultural Center Bernatoniai branch’s […]
On November 28-29, the Department of National Minorities organized training for Roma mediators. The mediators were introduced to the “Metaphorical Question Cards” method, created by Nomeda Jerochova (www.patirtysiridejos.lt), based on the motivational interviewing method, systemic theory, and supervision practices. This method helps individuals view situations and people in a broader context, step out of preconceived […]
The first month of summer was very intenensive for Kybartai Roma youth: On June 10-14, the activities of the Erasmus+ project “Fast-tracking Digital Inclusion” were held at the “Rasos” school in Kybarta, aimed at deepening the digital literacy skills of Roma youth. June 15 The Roma girls’ dance ensemble “Paše yak” participated in the Kybarti […]
At the end of the school year, we share moments from Kybartai “Rasos” school, which is attended by a large part of the town’s Roma children. During this year, the children traveled a lot, played sports, both in education and in various competitions. We thank the project mediator Biruta Rusevičienė for supporting the children and […]
Foto- D. Umbrasas, LRT Rumina Bagdonavičiūtė, a new Roma mediator, has been working in Vilnius for more than a month. You can find Rumina at the address of the Roma Society Center at T. Ševčenkos st. 16B. We wish Rumina success in her work and are happy to join the team of mediators of the […]
Roma young people from Kybartai, together with their peers from Latvia, Estonia and Romania, participated in Erasmus+ training in Riga throughout the previous week. We thank our mediator Birute Rusevicienė for organizing a youth trip and the opportunity to chat with Roma from other countries!
On September 17 Project mediator Birutė Rusevičienė, who works in Marijampolė and Kybartai, organized an educational trip to TrakaiRoma from Suvalija participated at the vent in Trakai and Vilnius and Vilnius for the Roma community of the Suvalkija region and specialists working with Roma. In Vilnius, guests from Marijampolė, Prienai and Kybartė participated in the procession […]
From the 19th to 22nd of July 2023, the Roma youth summer school “Sir džives Baltija 2023” was held in Tallinn, where young people from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland gathered. During the summer school, Roma youth studied the concept of “anti-gypsyism” and their personal experiences; visited the Roma Genocide Memorial in Kalevi-Liiva; improved their […]
Birželį antakių ir blakstienų grožio kabinetą „Šukar Beauty“ atvėrusios romės Rumina ir Kristina, netrukus klientes pakvies užsukti ir pas plaukų meistrę. Ši grožio laboratorija jos įkūrėjoms ir visai romų bendruomenei – įrodymas, kad romai geba siekti karjeros ir kurti verslą. Beauty salon ‘Šukar Beauty’ were opened by Rumina and Kristina in June. They will soon […]
On 14th – 15th of July 2023, the mediator training ‘Mediation Based on Conflict Solution’ took place in Riga (Latvia). The training was conducted by Evija Klave – the PhD of Social Sciences and certificated mediator.
Implementing the project ‘Lithuanian Roma Platform – going local’ The Department of National minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania funded an education for Roma youth dedicated to the Holocaust’s commemoration. The education took place in Kaunas IX Fort museum.
On the 7th of June, 2023 the representatives of the Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania together with the representatives of Roma Society Center visited the Jonava city where a meeting initiated by the center for Social Services took place. During the meeting the challenges of Social Services’ provision […]
From the 29th of May to 1st of June 2023 a study visit to Heidelberg (Germany) organized by the project ‘Lithuanian Roma Platform – going local’ (part 5) took place. The main topic of the visit – the fight against anti-gypsyism. During the visit, meetings with the representatives of The Central Council of German Sinti […]
On 27th– 28th of May 2023, in the Parnu city in Estonia, the training of Roma mediators ‘Effective communication and conflict resolution’ aimed at confliuct prevention and time management took place. The training was conducted by Natalia Zorina, Psychology PhD and lecturer at the University of Tartu. Mediators and Roma activists were participating in the […]
On the 5th-6th of May 2023, the Baltic Roma women training in Ryga occurred. Two days training were devoted to the development of women’s competence and creation of the new networks for cooperation. In the trainings Lithuania was represented by Božena Karvelienė – a chairwoman of ‘Roma Integration House‘
The moments from the Roma girl’s weekend camps which occurred on the April 21-23 and was held for the first time. The main topic of the camp was the feelings which are often unrecognizable, and which are not courageous to express and to share. During the three sunny days, a safe environment had been created […]
On 13th-14th of April 2023, during the implementation of the project ‚Lithuanian Roma Platform – going local (part V)‘ the training for Roma women and representatives of organizations working with Roma community were organized. The event took place in Druskininkai. The main topics of the training: the basics of conducting the individual activity, the income […]
On the 5th of April 2023, The Department of National Minorities held a discussion dedicated to the International Roma Day. The topic of the discussion was ‘Roma identity – is it important while Roma inclusion documents is being prepared?’ The Roma community members, the scientists and the representatives of state institutions were among the participants […]
On February 16, 2023, in commemoration of the 105th anniversary of the restoration of the State of Lithuania, an educational trip to Vilnius for Roma families with children and the teachers from Marijampolė city occurred. The education’s goal was to get acquainted with Roma traditions, food and culture. During the educational trip, the historical places […]