On 23rd of November 2022, the Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania together with the Roma Community Center and children, youth day center ‘Padėk Pritapti’ (‘Help to Fit’) and representatives of Roma Community visited Šeduva and Radviliškis. Šeduva is a small town in the municipality of Radviliškis, where Roma families from Ramygala, Panevėžys and Vilnius have recently started to live. Considering the fact that social workers, teachers, community officials and other employees working in the municipality had no previous experience in working with the Roma national minority, the department organized a discussion about Roma culture and social work with Roma families. During the discussion, the project ‘Lithuanian Roma Platform – going local (part 5)’ and a brief history of the Roma were presented. The main part of the discussion was dedicated to Roma customs and their influence on integration.