European Roma Rights Centre receives Raoul Wallenberg Prize for combating racism, rights abuse

European Roma Rights Centre receives Raoul Wallenberg Prize for combating racism, rights abuse The Budapest-based organisation European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has received today the Raoul Wallenberg Prize of the Council of Europe for successfully challenging discrimination, anti-Romani racism and rights abuses of Roma through innovative litigation, evidence based research and policy development. On this day in […]

New Roma organization

New Roma organization This year in Panevėžys new Roma organization was established. Its director and initiator is Elena Aleksandravičiūtė who also takes part in the project “Lithuanian Roma Platforms – Going Local” as a Roma community coordinator. This organization – “St. Francis’ Roma from Aukštaitija region” centre (Šv. Pranciškaus Aukštaitijos romų” centras) is established to […]

The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture

The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V. (ERIAC) is a joint initiative of the Council of Europe, the Open Society Foundations, and the Roma Leaders’ initiative – the Alliance for the European Roma Institute. ERIAC is an association registered under German law on June 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. ERIAC exists to increase […]

Lectures for Roma boys and girls

Lectures for Roma boys and girls In December, Children Day Care Centre of Panevėžys organized individual and group meetings and lectures on sexual life for Roma boys and girls. Its aim was to help Roma teenagers gain a knowledge about their physiological, psychological changes and help to prepare for the family life. Lectures and meetings were […]