Regional training course on Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism

Regional training course on Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is organising a regional training course on Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism scheduled to be held during 6-9 November in Vilnius, Lithuania. The training course will aim to develop the competences of participants in acting against […]

Exhibition of Roma children opening

Exhibition of Roma children opening On 21 September, in Antakalnis library a new exhibition “Summer Reflections” will be opened. The participants of the exhibition are Roma children who attended summer camp. They will present their artworks in which include paper cut art as well. The exhibition will continue until 1st October.  

School segregation still deprives many children of quality education

School segregation still deprives many children of quality education “The right to education is a fundamental human right. Yet, many European countries still deny thousands of children, including children with disabilities, Roma children and refugee or migrant children, equal access to it by keeping them in segregated schools. This is a violation of children’s human […]

New Roma coordinators will contribute to the project “Lithuanian Roma Platforms – Going Local”

New Roma coordinators will contribute to the project “Lithuanian Roma Platforms – Going Local” To promote cooperation between the Roma communities and local authorities as well as mutual dialogue, dealing with the integration of the Roma national minority, social inclusion, education, health care and other issues, Department of National Minorities under the Government of the […]

Inclusion of Roma: early childhood education is on the rise while access to inclusive schooling, higher education and employment needs improving

As many children across Europe are preparing to go back to school, the Commission adopted today a Communication assessing mid-term how well Member States have implemented the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. Adopted in 2011, the strategies set structures for Member States to advance Roma inclusion in the areas of education, employment, health, […]

The meeting in Stanislovas Rapolionis gymnasium

The meeting will take place on 7 September in Eišiškės Stanislovas Rapolionis gymnasium. Along with director Danuta Zuzo and social educator Tatjana Babkina  further developments of the project “Lithuanian Roma Platforms – Going Local” will be discussed as well as the activity of Roma coordinator who will take care for school attendance of Roma children.


European Commission has funded the continuation of the project for the Roma integration into Lithuanian society The Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania continues the project “Lithuanian Roma Platform – Going Local”, launched in 2016 and funded by the European Commission. The project aims to foster cooperation between Roma communities […]