A new association for Roma women was established

A new association for Roma women was established „Roma women from Baltic region“ association was established in 5 December 2017. The initiative to establish the organization was born in Lithuania, when the Council of Europe and Roma communities organized training sessions for young Roma people in November, 2017. During the training, it became clear that […]

Conference-discussion on Roma students’ inclusion

Conference-discussion on Roma students’ inclusion The event will take place on December 13 in Vilnius, hotel “Panorama” (Sodu str. 14). How a school child welfare commission can contribute in creating a safer and more favourable educational environment for Roma children? What municipalities can do to improve the situation, and how important this area of inter-institutional cooperation? […]

Final event of educational project “Cultural circle”

Educational project “Cultural circle” and the final event will be held in December 13, Kėdainiai Multicultural centre (Senoji rinka 12, Kėdainiai). The work will take place in the project presentations, and performances of the participants, acknowledgements and serving. The project initiated by the Ministry of education and science, organizes and carries out the Lithuanian students […]

The event, dedicated to Roma history, traditions and Roma holocaust commemoration

The event, dedicated to Roma history, traditions and Roma holocaust commemoration Roma cultural centre, in the implementation of the history of the Roma Memorial Project “Living memory”, on 8 December, 2pm calls to the event, dedicated to Roma history, culture, and traditions as well as to commemorate Roma holocaust in Europe. Lecturer: Dr. Normunds Rudevics, IRU (International […]

Conference “The Genocide of European Roma, 1939-1945”

Conference “The Genocide of European Roma, 1939-1945” On 28 November, “The Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Centre” organize a conference “The Genocide of European Roma, 1939-1945” which will be held in memorial park complex of Tuskulenai, Vilnius. In Conference presentations will be read by dr. Arunas Bubnys, Emmanuel Filhol (France), Damjan Hančič (Slovenia), Hanna Abakunova (Great […]

Council of Europe pledge to promote gender equality for Roma and Traveller women in politics

Council of Europe pledge to promote gender equality for Roma and Traveller women in politics Participants attending a Council of Europe conference on Roma and Travellers are pledging to promote gender equality for Roma and Traveller women in politics. The Council of Europe pledge takes into account that electoral quotas are often an effective means of achieving significant, […]

European Platform for Roma Inclusion 2017

European Platform for Roma Inclusion 2017 The European Platform for Roma Inclusion is an important forum for concerted actions of all relevant stakeholders for the economic and social integration of Roma people in Europe. The Platform contributes to making both European and national policies more sensitive to Roma needs. The 2017 European Platform for Roma […]

International Conference #RememberanceResponsibilityFuture

International Conference #RememberanceResponsibilityFuture International conference will take place on 9 November, hotel “Novotel”. The major goal of this conference is to come up with viable recommendations about how to combat anti-Semitism and prejudice against Roma in Lithuania.  This conference will highlight the intersections of historical memory and current prejudices in Lithuania, attempting to challenge the […]

Regional training course on Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism

Regional training course on Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism Preparatory meeting, 2-3 October 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania. Agenda Introduction of participants, roles. Adoption of agenda. The institutional context and the roles of different partners. Educational approaches to the training course. Review of the aims and objectives. Expected results. Programme and methodology: Daily programme Methodology Participants: profile, […]

Public Consultation on the Evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020

Public Consultation on the Evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 About this consultation 19 July 2017 – 25 October 2017 Consultation outcome The Commission will publish a summary of the replies after the end of the consultation period. Target group All Roma-and non-Roma citizens, organisations, businesses and institutions […]