
Public Consultation on the Evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020

About this consultation

19 July 2017 – 25 October 2017

Consultation outcome

The Commission will publish a summary of the replies after the end of the consultation period.

Target group

All Roma-and non-Roma citizens, organisations, businesses and institutions interested in Roma integration are welcome to contribute. Contributions are sought from:

  • organisations representing national, local, regional and municipal authorities, and other public or mixed entities,
  • national Roma contact points
  • managing authorities
  • EU umbrella non-governmental organisations (Roma and pro-Roma), including their networks, active in EU countries and/or enlargement countries, national, regional and local non-governmental organisations (Roma and pro-Roma)
  • international organisations, institutions active in the area of Roma integration in EU countries and/or enlargement countries
  • research institutions and academia
  • organisations representing churches and religious communities
  • employers, business, trade and professional associations and individuals in general, who have stated interest in the policy

Objective of the consultation

The aim of the consultation is to collect stakeholders’ views on the achievements and challenges faced during the years of implementation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020, adopted in April 2011. More specifically, the aim is gathering views on European and national policy, legal and funding instruments that have been mobilised to fight discrimination and to promote the inclusion of Roma.

How to submit your response

You can contribute to this public consultation by filling out the online consultation form at the EU Survey page:

The questionnaire contains a total of 16 questions, covering the following areas in two main sections (following some introductory questions on respondents’ background):

1. General questions (not presupposing knowledge of European and national instruments and efforts for Roma integration)

  • causes of social exclusion and discrimination, ways of addressing them and expectations for the future
  • priority areas for action at European and national levels

2. More specialised questions (assessing European and national efforts for Roma integration)

  • policy developments and results on the ground
  • achievements and challenges (of the EU Framework and National Roma Integration Strategies)
  • Mmeasures taken and change in the situation of Roma in the following key areas: education, employment, healthcare, housing, fighting discrimination and antigypsyism

Replies may be submitted in any EU official language.

The contributions to this public consultation will be published online. When filling out the introductory questions on the respondent’s background, you can choose to publish your contribution with your personal data or publish without personal data.

It is important to read the specific privacy statement for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.

As part of the European Transparency Initiative, the Commission asks organisations who wish to participate in public consultations to provide the Commission and the public with information about whom and what they represent, their objectives, funding and structures, by registering in the Transparency Register.

  • If you are a registered organisation, please fill in your Register ID number in the questionnaire. Your contribution will then be considered as representing the views of your organisation.
  • If your organisation is not registered, you have the opportunity to register now. Then return to this page to submit your contribution as a registered organisation.

View the questionnaire

This questionnaire can be accessed at the EU Survey page: